일상다반사, 배훈

젊게 사는 비결

배훈사람 2024. 5. 1. 15:30

#오늘의 생각

젊게 살아 간다는건...

우연히 방문한 대학생들과 인근대학 축제에 초대 받아 함께 해본다.

나이50에 과연 얼마나
걸그룹' VIVIZ'를 알거며

자짓 소음이라 느낄만한 음악을 듣고
그들과 소통할 여력이 있음에 감사한다.

이 걸그룹은 딸아이가 중2때
함께했던 '여자친구'의 맴버들이 만든

나는 그곳에서  젊음과 소통한다
다시오지 않을 이시간을...

#thought of the day

Living young means...

I am invited to a festival at a nearby university with college students who happen to be visiting.

How much will it cost at age 50?
You know the girl group ‘VIVIZ’

Listening to music that can be perceived as noise
I am grateful that I have the ability to communicate with them.

This girl group started when my daughter was in her second year of middle school.
Created by members of ‘Girlfriend’ who were together
It's a girl group. It was nice to meet you.

I communicate with youth there
This time will never come again...

'일상다반사, 배훈' 카테고리의 다른 글

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