일상다반사, 배훈


배훈사람 2023. 11. 11. 12:24

#오늘의 생각


뭐든 과하면 아니하느니만 못하다고 한다

건강에는 자부하고 살아왔지만
과욕은 금물이다

가을에찾아온 뜻하지않은 초겨운 날씨에 독감에 걸려서

닝겔을 맞으며  누워있다

빈대주의보가 전국을 강타하는요즘
강추위앞에 식물도 인간도 모두
얼어붙은 마음을 긴막대 과자데이에
따스한 정이 그리워지는 시절


#thought of the day

Too much or too little

They say that too much of anything is worse than nothing.

I took pride in my health, but
Excessive greed is prohibited.

I caught the flu in the unexpectedly cold weather that came in the fall.

Lying down while being hit by ninggel
Be careful not to catch a cold...

Bed bug warnings are sweeping the nation these days.
Both plants and humans face the intense cold.
On Long Stick Snack Day, my frozen heart
A time when I miss warm affection

Let's cheer up.