#오늘의 생각
최근 게실염입원후 배에 이상신호가
오면 그냥 굶는 습관이 생겼다
음식섭취를 멈춰라는의사의 진단
아무것도 안먹는건 아니고 간헐적단식을 권장한다.
살아가면서 먹는 즐거움만큼
큰게있을가 싶다
하지만 비우는것도 또한
나누어서 비우나
굶어서 비우나
매 한가지 즐거운일이었으면
그냥 먹을때는 즐겁게 먹자
요가를 지도하는 입장에서
뭐특별한 식단은없다
면이나 살찌는 음식을
가리지도 칼로리를 생각치도 않는다
단지 과하면 비우는 방법을 안다
배가부르면 걷고
배가 더부르면 달린다
그래도 안되면 화장실가야죠
비우라 그러면 채워지리라
태허 배훈 선생
#thought of the day
What is healthy food?
Suddenly I thought about it
Recently, after being hospitalized for diverticulitis, I noticed an abnormal signal in my stomach.
I got into the habit of just starving when I come home.
Doctor's diagnosis to stop eating
This does not mean not eating anything, but intermittent fasting is recommended.
As much as the joy of eating while living
I wonder if there is something big
But emptying is also
It is important
Divide it and empty it
Am I starving?
I wish every single thing was fun
Let's just have fun while eating
From the perspective of teaching yoga
Well, there is no special diet.
Noodles or fattening foods
I don't care about calories or calories.
If it's just too much, I know how to let it go.
Walk when you're full
I run when I’m full.
If that doesn't work, I have to go to the bathroom.
Empty and it will be filled.
Taeheo Baehun teacher

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