걷는다 치유된다
#오늘의 생각
많은 현대인들이 이유를 모를병으로 앓고있다.
어떤이들은 신발을 벗어던지고 걷기시작했다.비가오나 눈이오나 걸었다.
그리고 내리쬐이는 햇살을 보고환하게 웃고있다.
자신의 치유사례를 이야기하며 누구는 척추속을 기어가는 무언가가 살아졌다고, 누군가는 밤낮없이 찾아오던 아팠던 두통이 어느순간 걷다보니 사라졌다고 말을 한다.
인간도 아주오래전에는 네발로걸었다
두발로 직립보행하며 생긴병들도 많다
몸을 지키느라 수고한 나의발
이제 옥조이던 발싸게를 벗어던져보라
당신에게도 미소가득한 내일이
나도 오늘 인근 운동장으로 맨발걸으러간다. ㅎㅎ
#thought of the day
Walking barefoot is...
Many modern people suffer from diseases for unknown reasons.
Some people took off their shoes and started walking. They walked whether it rained or snowed.
And he smiles brightly at the sunlight shining down.
While talking about their own healing cases, some people say that something crawling in their spines has come back to life, while others say that the painful headache that was coming day and night disappeared while walking.
Walking means
Humans also walked on all fours a long time ago.
There are many diseases caused by walking upright on two legs.
My feet worked hard to protect my body
Now, take off the footstrap that has been holding you back.
A tomorrow full of smiles for you too
Are you Oljia?
I’m also going to walk barefoot at a nearby playground today. lol